
Why Paid Parental Leave? Reardon Lists Benefits

Father and Child

Any parent knows how difficult the first few weeks of bringing home a new member of the family can be—whether it’s a newborn or adopted child.

In nearly every industrialized nation, except the United States, recognizes that and offers paid leave to mothers and many offer the same to fathers. It’s time for the U.S. to step up and pass paid parental leave legislation, President Reardon says in his latest column on

It’s time for the U.S. to step up and pass paid parental leave legislation, President Reardon says in his latest column on

Reardon, a father of four, encourages federal employees to work together to urge Congress to pass a paid parental leave policy for the federal workforce.

Reardon’s column is part of a series called “Know Your Facts” where each week the NTEU leader tackles a key federal employee issue.