
NTEU Stands Ready to Help Harvey Victims

Harvey Large

Federal employees are there to help their fellow Americans every day—especially when crisis hits—and NTEU is there to help those in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

Here is how we are working to help our members affected by Harvey’s strong winds and devastating flooding:

Working with Agencies and Our Chapters

The safety of federal employees is our number one priority. NTEU is in close contact with our chapters in the affected areas and is working with agencies to ensure all employees are accounted for.

We understand that employees will need time to recover from the storm’s damage. NTEU stands ready to deal with any
workplace issues employees may encounter in the aftermath, including administrative leave for office closures and time off to deal with storm damage.

Financial Assistance

As part of a special emergency assistance initiative, NTEU will match—dollar for dollar—up to $30,000 in donations to a fund providing emergency assistance to federal employees of NTEU-represented agencies harmed by Hurricane Harvey.

All donations made to the NTEU Fund at the Federal Employees Education and Assistance (FEEA) Fund will be doubled—up to $30,000. FEEA is the only organization that provides emergency assistance solely to federal employees.

To apply for assistance, click here.

To contribute to the NTEU Fund and help colleagues in need, click here. Donations can also be made by check made out to “FEEA-NTEU Fund” and sent to: FEEA Headquarters, 1641 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314.

Keeping You Informed

Here is information from the Office of Personnel Management about flexibilities, pay, benefits and other topics for affected employees.

As more information becomes available, NTEU will keep you posted on this website, by email and on Facebook.