
Worried About a Possible Shutdown? Get Informed

The clock is ticking toward the funding deadline. Unless Congress reaches a spending agreement that the president signs into law by midnight Friday, much of the government will shut down. 

During this uncertain time, NTEU is keeping our members informed with up-to-the-minute information on a new shutdown web page.

This page is your one stop for news, resources and answers to your questions about what a government shutdown would mean for you. Here is what you’ll find:

  • News updates that explain how developments on Capitol Hill will impact your workplace
  • Legislative action alerts so you can make your voice heard
  • Answers to frequently-asked questions on how a shutdown would affect your pay, leave, health insurance, service credit and retirement
  • Agency contingency plans
  • NTEU news releases and headlines
  • A link to update your contact information so you can receive emails to your personal address and urgent text alerts in the event of a shutdown

Also, stay tuned to this blog for breaking news.
