
NTEU Myth-busting Campaign Goes National

Many of our members know that NTEU launched a public service campaign highlighting the vast and diverse contributions of federal employees. Those PSAs are airing on television stations around the country. 

What you may not know is that for one morning last month, I was interviewed for five hours by more than 20 radio and television stations in 17 states about our companion campaign to bust common myths the American public may have about federal employees. In interview after interview, I talked about who federal employees are, where you live and work, and how your contributions impact Americans every day. I dispelled myths that federal employees are overpaid, get free benefits, can’t be fired and all live in Washington, D.C. I also addressed the inflammatory rhetoric about federal employees being part of the ‘swamp’ in Washington that needs to be drained.

I am pleased to report that an estimated 15 million Americans have seen these interviews, on national television and in major media markets, including New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Atlanta, Las Vegas, St. Louis and Washington, D.C. Some of the interviews were live, while others were recorded, so we expect to reach more people with our message.

NTEU’s myth-busting campaign is part of our ongoing efforts to change the conversation about the federal workforce, and help tell your story. We know how important your work is to our country, but too few Americans understand how it benefits their daily lives.

Learn more about NTEU’s campaign at, and spread the word on social media and in your workplace.
