
NTEU Provides Coronavirus Resource Online

With the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continuing to evolve, NTEU is your resource for critical information and breaking news. We have created a dedicated Coronavirus Resource page for members.

NTEU’s stance is your health and safety are paramount and we are in close contact with our chapter presidents across the nation. We have also contacted each of the 33 agencies where we represent employees, requesting:

Pandemic plans currently in place;

Broadening of telework programs to cover as many employees as possible;

Halting all non-essential travel;

Changes in highly-populated workspaces to increase social distancing; and

Ensuring that all workplaces are properly cleaned and stocked with sanitizers and disinfectant wipes.

As NTEU receives information from agencies, it is posted on our coronavirus webpage. We encourage you and your colleagues to stay up to date by visiting our coronavirus webpage daily and checking your inboxes with messages from NTEU. Along with agency-specific information, the page contains links to guidance from the Office of Personnel Management and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you have immediate questions and concerns, contact your NTEU representative.