
Patrick Chan, Former Chapter President, Passed Away

Patrick Chan, former Chapter President of Chapter 295 (EPA San Francisco) died from cancer on Sept. 16. He was instrumental in securing NTEU representation for EPA employees in San Francisco and then he served as Chapter President for 17 years. Chan retired from the EPA in 2017 after a 33-year career.

He was a strong advocate for the employees he represented and was known for his kindness and sense of humor. Even as he took on the responsibility of speaking for EPA employees on workplace matters, he was also passionate about his work for the EPA. Chan specialized in drinking water issues and as an Enforcement Officer he helped bring multiple cases against public water systems that were not compliant with federal safety regulations.

Along with his work at EPA and NTEU, he found time to head the Asian Pacific American Council for almost 20 years. This EPA employee group celebrated diversity and created forums for Asian Pacific American employees to share their rich history and culture with management and frontline workers.

His generosity and laughter helped create a workplace that was welcoming and open.

Patrick Chan

He is survived by his wife (Connie), daughters (Angelina, Amanda, and Ada), his parents (Mr. and Mrs. Chan), his younger brother (John), and family. NTEU’s deepest condolences go out to his family, friends and loved ones. Cards may be sent to Chapter 295, which will collect them and get them to the family.

NTEU Chapter 295
PO Box 752
San Francisco, CA