
NTEU Mourns Chapter 53 President George Greenberg

George Greenberg, longtime president of NTEU Chapter 53 (IRS Long Island) has passed away. He began his career with the IRS in 1969 and served as chapter president for more than 30 years, even in his retirement.

A zealous advocate, Greenberg was never afraid to stand up to management, share his opinion or let you know when he disagreed. His dedication to assisting employees was renowned and he often spent his time off working on cases.

Greenberg knew the NTEU-IRS contract inside and out and enforced it every chance he got. NTEU and Chapter 53 will miss his extensive knowledge and stalwart leadership. His efforts improved the working conditions for the employees he represented, and his advocacy made a difference for countless workers.

To his friends and colleagues, Greenberg was also known for his sense of humor and love of the New York Yankees.

NTEU’s deepest condolences go out to his family, friends and loved ones.