
Join NTEU in Supporting Legislation to Block Schedule F Order

NTEU supports new Senate legislation to stop the outgoing administration from politicizing the civil service.

The bill from Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) and others would bar agencies from implementing the president’s executive order removing basic workplace protections for certain career federal employees. This follows similar legislation introduced in the House last month by Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA). Both bills would rescind the Schedule F executive order and prevent the use of government funding to implement it. 

NTEU filed a lawsuit against the order, which was signed just days before the presidential election, because it would create a new category of federal employees who are not covered by the basic civil service protections they are entitled to under the law. 

The union will continue to stand up for the rights of federal employees and work to preserve the non-partisan, merit-based civil service. Join our fight to stop this harmful EO and protect your workplace rights here.