
The NTEU Georgia Runoff Election Center

NTEU members made a difference in Georgia in the Nov. 3 general election, and we can do it again in the two Senate runoff elections on Jan. 5. 

And now you will have everything you need to get involved in the NTEU Georgia Runoff Election center.

-Watch a special message from National President Tony Reardon

-View the profiles on each candidate: Rev. Raphael Warnock, Jon Ossoff, Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue

-For our members in Georgia, we have all the voting information you will need
-An inside look at this historic run from the NTEU Political Insider

And much more.

These elections are incredibly consequential for all NTEU members-federal employees could have some of their biggest gains in fair pay, benefits and workplace rights in decades if NTEU-endorsed candidates prevail.

Learn more here.