
Today at the White House

Earlier today, I attended a White House event in recognition of Labor Day and the accomplishments of union workers.

It was an honor to attend and represent NTEU and all of our members. President Biden spoke about the life-changing impacts that the labor movement has had for all employees, including stronger pay and benefits, increased dignity and respect at work and essential workplace protections. The President emphasized his commitment to labor and unions. 

During his remarks I was particularly moved when he said, “Workers who join unions gain power.” He also said that the White House is labor’s house and recommitted to leading a pro-union administration.

After he spoke, I had a chance to spend a few minutes with him and thank him for what he has done and is doing for federal employees. In response, he told me that he understands that it is federal employees who keep this country running. Those are welcome words from the President of the United States.

I wanted to share this experience with you because it underscores how this administration views federal employees and the role of NTEU in the federal workforce.

Thank you for everything you do.


President Biden and NTEU National President Tony Reardon