
Reardon Promotes Telework in Testimony

The post-pandemic federal workplace needs an array of flexible work arrangements, fair pay, robust benefits and managers who work collaboratively with employees, National President Tony Reardon told Congress on Wednesday. 

In written testimony provided to the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations, Reardon provided detailed recommendations for attracting and retaining federal employees as agencies prepare to reopen federal facilities to all workers and look ahead to the future of federal work.
“While flexible work schedules and expanded telework and remote work programs will be key to recruiting and retaining employees, it is also critical for the federal government to provide employees better paying jobs and a strong benefits package— including strong retirement and health care benefits as well as paid family leave—as well as create and support a work environment that is based on merit, values its employees and engages with them and their representatives to solicit input and address workplace challenges in a cooperative way,” Reardon wrote.