
Happy New Year, NTEU!

Before we turn the page on 2022, I wanted to share some highlights of the year and what our members accomplished together.

  1. We made our voices heard. NTEU prides ourselves on having a strong collective voice, and that was on full display in 2022. Throughout the year, we made sure lawmakers and the administration got the federal employee perspective on our issues. And leading up to the midterm elections, our members nationwide volunteered to get-out-the-vote, helping to elect candidates who support us.

  1. We made progress on longstanding issues. We had two big wins that were each a decade in the making. Congress approved a historic $80 billion investment in the IRS—a much-needed funding boost long called for by NTEU. And this summer, after NTEU members shared their stories, the administration announced reforms to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, including a limited waiver that provided billions in relief to public servants.

  1. We fought to protect our members' rights and jobs. In the courts, we reversed harmful rulings that severely restricted our bargaining rights. We continued our fight in multiple venues against the Schedule F scheme, which is aimed at stripping large groups of employees of important due process protections so that they are easier to fire.

  1. We secured new benefits and programs. As workplaces reopened, NTEU secured expanded telework and remote work opportunities for tens of thousands of employees—and ensured our members’ rights are enforced. We also sealed new national agreements that are benefiting thousands of employees we represent in their everyday working lives.

  1. NTEU is there for you. Whether you are in a workplace or working remotely, your NTEU chapter leaders are there to answer questions, make sure you’re treated fairly, help you understand your rights and solve problems. Your membership ensures your union is there for you, wherever and whenever you need us.

Happiest of holidays and a healthy and prosperous new year to you and your family.

Onward to 2023!
