
Congress Leaving for the August Recess

Congress is adjourning for its month-long recess at the end of the week,  not scheduled to return until just weeks before the end of this fiscal year.

And there is much work to be done.

As of now, the House is expected to consider:
-an Agriculture bill that includes a 2.1 percent cut in funding for the FDA , with significant cuts to CFTC and USDA.

The Senate is:
- continuing debate on the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), with the goal of passage by Friday. NTEU is closely watching several problematic amendments, including one to limit investment options in the TSP and another to codify one of the 2018 anti-union executive orders, in addition to an amendment we support that would prevent a president from implementing a policy similar to the Schedule F executive order issued during the last administration. The House passed its version of the bill earlier this month, without these provisions.
-the Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to mark up several spending bills funding NTEU-represented agencies including the DoD, BLM, CBP, the EPA and NPS.

We will continue to share updates. The NTEU Legislative Action Center is always open for you to share your thoughts directly with Congress, take action here.