
Funding Efforts Heat Up in Congress

Senators will face a battle over fiscal 2025 government funding when they return from the July Fourth recess.

Senate Democrats are pushing for additional funding for non-defense agencies, emphasizing the importance of parity in increases in funding for defense and nondefense programs. Without a larger budget, Democrats warn that some agencies could face reduced staffing and services.

While the Senate Appropriations Committee has not released any of its 12 funding bills, Chair Patty Murray (D-Wash.) said she plans to hold the first markup the week of July 8.

Meanwhile, the House returned today to begin taking up three spending bills for fiscal year 2025, including one funding the Department of Homeland Security. Unfortunately, the House Homeland Security bill does not include funding for more than 1,000 new and much-needed CBP Officers that was in the president’s October 2023 emergency supplemental request and the bipartisan emergency supplemental that failed to pass due to Republican opposition earlier this year. The bill has already drawn a veto threat from the president.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has indicated that he wants the House to pass its version of all 12 appropriations bills by the August recess. So far, the House passed one bill along party lines, which drew a veto threat from President Biden because of its deep cuts.

Congress has until Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year, to pass legislation to keep the government open. NTEU will continue to press lawmakers to provide agencies with the funding they need to serve the American people.