
Appropriations Bills Move in the House, Senate

Before leaving town for a one-week recess, Congress continued its work on fiscal 2025 funding bills.

The Senate Appropriations Committee reached a bipartisan deal to advance three of the 12 appropriations bills and increase funding levels for non-defense agencies to prevent cuts to staffing and services.

Meanwhile, over in the House, appropriators cut agency funding in the three additional spending bills lawmakers advanced along party lines. The Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency would all see significant cuts under bills that now move to the House floor for consideration.

House appropriators previously passed a trio of funding bills—including one funding the Department of Homeland Security—which drew a veto threat from President Biden because of their deep cuts.

Both the House and Senate appropriations committees advanced legislation funding the Food and Drug Administration. The House bill proposes drastic cuts to the agency's funding, while the Senate version would increase funding but not enough for the FDA’s needs. The House bill would also make significant cuts to funding for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

NTEU continues to press lawmakers to provide agencies with the funding they need to serve the American people.