Chairman Thompson Seeks Detailed Information on TSA Uniform Issues

Press Release January 14, 2009

Washington, D.C.—A key House member with homeland security responsibilities has raised serious and detailed questions with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) about negative health effects agency employees are experiencing associated with the wearing of new uniforms.

In a letter to TSA Administrator Kip Hawley, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said he found “very troubling” recent reports that Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) have experienced skin rashes, watery eyes, nausea, lightheadedness and swollen lips as a result of possible exposure to formaldehyde and other irritants in the uniforms.

The committee chairman noted there is scientific evidence “that some people can develop sensitivity to formaldehyde” and that the chemical “has been shown to cause cancer in animals and may cause cancer in humans.”

NTEU President Colleen M. Kelley, who raised the issue with the committee, said she welcomes the interest by the committee chairman. “There is a potentially serious issue here for TSOs,” the NTEU leader said, “and it is important to gather as much detailed information as we can about the possible impact, the production of the uniforms and other relevant matters.” NTEU represents TSOs at eight major U.S. airports.

In his letter to Hawley, Rep. Thompson sought a wide range of information, including data on clothing industry standards for chemical composition, and in particular steps taken to test the material used in these uniforms. He also sought an explanation of why TSA has been providing information on filing workers’ compensation claims for impacted employees.

On that latter issue, President Kelley said, the far better course would be to provide them with administrative leave for medical appointments and possible treatment related to their exposure to contaminated uniforms.

“For those who are affected,” she said, “this is, of course, an issue not of their own making, so the responsibility for seeing that all necessary and proper steps are taken is fully in the hands of the agency.”

The new uniforms, along with badges, are a TSA attempt to boost employee morale, which remains distressingly low. TSA continues to have one of the highest turnover rates in government.

NTEU is the largest independent federal union, representing 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
