Congresswoman Cites NTEU Statements In Calling for Improved TSA Training

Press Release March 17, 2010

Washington, D.C.—Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) may be in line for improved training combining both computer lessons and on-the-job training with full body scanners, thanks to efforts by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) who pursued an idea advanced by the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU).

The subject of TSO training was one of the issues addressed today at a hearing of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure Protection, chaired by Rep. Jackson Lee.

The congresswoman asked a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) representative to prepare a report on the pending rollout and completion of training on the new technology, and referred to comments submitted to the subcommittee by NTEU President Colleen M. Kelley in which she called for “a major emphasis on training.”

The NTEU leader further said the union believes that “people, not technology, are our most important asset in combating terrorism.” She added that at TSA, “We need adequate staff, we need adequate training for that staff, and we need to treat them with dignity.”

Rep. Jackson Lee, who has been a steadfast advocate on behalf of TSOs, agreed with those views, and raised the training question with the TSA representative, who agreed that the training would be better with a combination of computer-based lessons and on-the-job training.

The Texas legislator also addressed the question with a representative of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), who responded that consistent training is an important element in an effective workforce.

GAO is preparing a report on TSA and the full body scanners, and its representative noted the agency has not yet clearly indicated the cost of training in its projections of the cost of the technology. The TSA budget request for 2011 includes nearly $530 million for the purchase, installation and operation of the full-body scanners.

President Kelley said NTEU has heard from its TSA members that training on present equipment has been insufficient and unsatisfactory. “Most of the training is done through on-line computers,” she said. “In many airports, the number of computers is inadequate. Sometimes, they are very far from the work area, in a location difficult to get to. My members tell me that they find it much more helpful to be taught by a person, so that you can ask questions and discuss methods.”

NTEU represents thousands of TSOs at airports around the country and is engaged in an aggressive nationwide organizing campaign. Earlier today, the union filed a petition with the Federal Labor Relations Authority seeking a representation election.

Meanwhile, NTEU continues its efforts with the administration and Congress to secure collective bargaining rights for the 40,000-emplyoee TSA workforce.

NTEU is the largest independent federal union, representing 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
