Kelley, Ferris Chosen for Third Term To Lead National Treasury Employees Union

Press Release August 7, 2007

New York—By an overwhelming margin, delegates to the 51st National Convention of the nation’s largest independent union of federal employees have re-elected, for a third term, the union’s top officers—National President Colleen M. Kelley and National Executive Vice President Frank D. Ferris. Both were first elected to their positions in August 1999.

“I’m honored by the confidence of our leadership reflected in this vote,” President Kelley said. “Our efforts will continue to be directed toward improving the federal workplace for the men and women we are privileged to represent and who, by their job performance every day, earn the respect and thanks of our country.”

President Kelley opened the 51st National Convention yesterday in New York City. More than 400 NTEU chapter leaders are gathered from around the country and throughout the federal government for the four-day event, which ends at noon Thursday.

In the opening General Session, President Kelley, who has led NTEU since her election in 1999, was joined in presenting remarks to the delegates by Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.).

In her remarks, Kelley reviewed the union’s accomplishments since its last convention, in 2005, and focused on the importance of NTEU and its members continuing to speak out on behalf of federal employees. “We understand that an effective public service workforce is vital to our nation. So we fight back to advance the rights and interests of the men and women of the federal workforce because their rights and interests are directly connected to their ability to meet the needs and expectations of the American people. NTEU has a proud history of service toward that end, and we intend to continue building upon it.”

Kelley’s review of accomplishments included a look at NTEU’s three successful federal court victories turning back an administration effort to gut the collective bargaining, due process and appeal rights of employees in the Department of Homeland Security—with plans to extend such regressive personnel rules throughout the federal government to impact virtually every federal worker.

She also reviewed the union’s success in leading the opposition to a plan by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to close dozens of its taxpayer assistance centers (TACs) across the country. NTEU is leading a similar fight today to keep open more than half of the laboratories of the Food and Drug Administration.

Under the leadership of President Kelley and Vice President Ferris, NTEU has focused much of it efforts on improving workplace representation across the country; on seeking to rally the NTEU bargaining unit on behalf of the election of more members of Congress who understand federal employee issues; on meeting the challenges of an administration and federal agencies that over the past six years have sought to cut back or eliminate employee rights in the workplace; and on union membership growth. On that latter point, NTEU now has more members than at any time in its 69-year history.

Prior to her election as president, Kelley, an accountant and former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revenue agent, served four years as NTEU National Executive Vice President. She has served NTEU at the chapter and national levels for more than 20 years, including as president of NTEU Chapter 34, representing IRS employees in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Executive Vice President Ferris has served NTEU for more than 30 years; prior to his election in 1999, he was director of NTEU’s Negotiations Department.

As the largest independent federal union, NTEU represents some 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
