Kelley Seeks Napolitano Support for Full Collective Bargaining Rights for TSOs

Press Release March 4, 2009

Washington, D.C.—In her initial meeting with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano, the leader of the union representing tens of thousands of front-line homeland security employees sought the secretary’s full support for collective bargaining rights for Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees as the best way to improve that critically-important but troubled agency.

“Only full collective bargaining rights can provide TSA employees with a meaningful voice in key issues impacting their work lives,” said President Colleen M. Kelley of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU).

TSA suffers from low employee morale, an unworkable and unfair pay system, dangerously high turnover rates and the highest injury rate in the federal government—all a legacy from the previous administration. NTEU, which has called for the placement of Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) on the General Schedule pay system, is engaged in an aggressive nationwide organizing campaign among TSA employees.

At a congressional hearing less than a week ago, Secretary Napolitano said she has ordered a review of the question of her authority to grant collective bargaining rights to TSA employees—a right NTEU believes she has and can delegate.

During their meeting President Kelley stressed also the importance of adequate personnel at border crossing points both to facilitate trade and help ensure the nation’s security.

As the former governor of border state Arizona, “Secretary Napolitano is very well-informed, interested in the details of how issues impact the workforce and eager to make good use of the skill and expertise of department employees,” she said. “I applaud and welcome that.”

The two also addressed a number of issues impacting legacy agriculture inspectors; and President Kelley urged the DHS secretary to meet with NTEU chapter leaders when she tours Northern Border crossing points later this spring.

“We have a new administration, a new Homeland Security Secretary and a new opportunity to make DHS the best-managed law enforcement agency in the world,” Kelley said.

NTEU is the largest independent federal union, representing 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments, including the entire 22,000-employee CBP workforce and thousands at TSA.
