Kelley Supports House Resolution Condemning IRS Attack, Praising Employees

Press Release March 3, 2010

Washington, D.C.—A congressional resolution condemning the recent suicide attack on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employees in Austin, Texas, and praising agency employees for their dedicated service to their country drew the strong support of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU).

Introduced by Texas Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D), the resolution recognizes the immediate actions of IRS employees, citizens on the ground and emergency personnel in responding to the attack. Additionally, it honors IRS employee Vernon Hunter, who died in the attack, as well as Shane Hill, a Texas state government employee who suffered severe injuries.

In a letter sent yesterday to Rep. Doggett, NTEU President Colleen M. Kelley thanked the congressman for introducing H. Res. 1127 and urged all members of Congress to support it.

“IRS employees here, and across the country, are horrified and frightened by this senseless act of violence that took the life of Vernon Hunter, a dedicated federal employee, a beloved husband, father, grandfather and U.S. veteran,” President Kelley wrote, adding the Austin incident is a grim reminder of the risks that IRS employees nationwide face every day in service to their country.

“While we mourn for Vernon, his family, and his fellow IRS colleagues, we also have been inspired by numerous tales of bravery and heroism exhibited by IRS employees, first responders and others in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy,” Kelley said.

In the wake of the incident, President Kelley traveled to Austin to meet with IRS employees and said she was struck by their strength and determination to continue their agency’s mission. “I am proud of the contribution IRS employees make to this country and believe that they deserve the support and respect of all of our citizens,” she said.

Rep. Doggett, whose congressional district is home to many of the impacted IRS employees, notes in the resolution that all federal employees “serve their nation with honor and commitment, and perform public service that benefits the entire nation.”

The resolution concludes by asking the House of Representatives to denounce “any statement or act that deliberately fans the flames of hatred or expresses sympathy for those who would attack public servants serving our nation.”

President Kelley agreed, saying, “Public figures should hold themselves to the highest standards of civic discourse and NTEU calls on all of our elected leaders to disavow any statements or actions that may lead to attacks on innocent workers.” She added, “I appreciate Rep. Doggett’s effort to recognize the hard work and contributions that federal employees provide to this country on a daily basis and call on all of our political leaders to follow his example.”

NTEU is the largest independent federal union, representing 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments, including tens of thousands in the IRS.
