Kelley Urges House Members to Reject Flawed Ryan Budget Resolution and Protect Vital Federal Services

Press Release March 27, 2012

Washington, D.C. — The head of the nation’s largest independent federal union called on members of the House of Representatives to reject the flawed and ill-advised fiscal 2013 budget resolution by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as it threatens vital services to the public and penalizes the federal workforce.

“The resolution calls for $368 billion in cuts to federal personnel and benefits, despite the fact that federal employees have already contributed $60 billion in a two-year pay freeze and $15 billion in increased pension contributions. Enough is enough!” Colleen M. Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), wrote in a letter today to every House member asking them to oppose the budget in a floor vote expected later this week. NTEU also joined the Federal Postal-Coalition in a letter to representatives today calling for the defeat of the Ryan budget resolution.

Despite the contributions federal workers have already made to address our fiscal challenges, Kelley noted that the Ryan budget proposal seeks to extend the federal employee pay freeze through 2015, reduce the workforce by 10 percent over three years through attrition, and cut $112 billion from the federal retirement systems, all while seeking to reduce tax rates for the wealthy and corporations.

Additionally, Kelley challenged a statement in the budget narrative that federal employees are “immune from the effects of the recession.”

“How can anyone believe that to be true?” Kelley wrote. “A two-year pay freeze, constant threats of government shutdowns, paying more for retirement, working with less resources because of budget cuts —these are things that federal employees live with each day.”

Kelley warned the House members that these attacks will make it only more difficult to recruit and retain the talented employees needed to serve our nation and the American people.

“NTEU members work every day to protect your borders, your travel, your food, your investments, and your safety net,” Kelley wrote. “Our civil service is one of the best in the world. Such a civil service will not survive if these cuts are instituted.”

NTEU is the nation’s largest independent union of federal workers, representing 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
