Kelley Welcomes John Berry’s Call For Government to be “A Model Employer”

Press Release March 27, 2009

Washington, D.C.—The leader of the nation’s largest independent federal union today praised the nominee to head the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for laying out a positive vision to make the federal government the nation’s model employer in every category from pay and benefits to retention to labor-management relations.

In a confirmation hearing before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the nominee for OPM Director John Berry told committee members, “As the nation’s largest employer, the federal government should also be the nation’s model employer...We need to reach out and attract the best and brightest from all fields.”

National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) President Colleen M. Kelley said Berry’s expertise on federal workplace issues will help return respect to the workforce and will serve to attract other talented employees who are committed to public service.

“We now have a president who believes in the ability of government to creatively solve tough problems and John Berry is the perfect emissary to lead the federal workforce forward in that effort,” President Kelley said.

She also welcomed Berry’s desire to have the government maintain its longstanding commitment to fair pay and hiring practices and a continued push toward providing employees with a proper work/life balance.

The NTEU leader said she looks forward to working with Berry and his team. “OPM has the potential to be a positive force for great change throughout the federal civil service by ushering in a new era of partnership and cooperation with employees and federal unions that would strengthen federal agencies and improve service to the American public,” Kelley said.

A biennial workplace survey of federal employees released earlier this year by OPM revealed enormous opportunities to improve the federal workplace by increasing agency funding and resources, boosting employee confidence in senior leadership and improving training for frontline managers.

“Federal employees are looking forward to working with those who will listen to employees’ ideas and who will work to provide agencies with the staffing, tools and resources they need to effectively accomplish their missions,” President Kelley said.

Berry praised the tradition of selfless service inherent in the federal workforce and promised to forge legitimate labor-management partnerships. “It is not a hard thing to do if you are willing to have open and honest communication,” Berry said.

“Mr. Berry’s exposure to issues impacting federal employees will serve him well when confirmed as OPM director,” President Kelley said. “His effective leadership will add a critical element to the success of federal employees nationwide.”

As the largest independent federal union, NTEU represents 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
