National Treasury Employees Union Endorses Barack Obama for President

Press Release June 5, 2008

Washington, D.C.— The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), the nation’s largest independent union of federal employees, today strongly endorses the candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois to be president of the United States.

NTEU President Colleen M. Kelley said that Sen. Obama has supported the needs and interests of working men and women at the local, state and national level throughout his political career. He has been especially supportive of federal employees during his tenure in the Senate, with a 100 percent record of support for federal employee issues important to NTEU.

“It is crucial that federal employees support the election of a president who values and understands the work they perform,” Kelley said. “Sen. Obama will be that president. He has earned our endorsement by his respect and support of federal employees and the work they do for our country.”

President Kelley pointed to Sen. Obama’s consistent votes in support of federal employees, including his votes for a fair and competitive pay raise and for collective bargaining rights for federal employees; votes to stop efforts to strip overtime from millions of workers; and votes to ensure a level playing field in government contracting decisions.

“I am grateful for the support of the National Treasury Employees Union,” said Sen. Obama. “The NTEU deserves a President who will make sure they have the tools and resources to do their jobs and an administration that fights with them to protect workers’ rights. Together, we can unite to bring about change that America’s working families can believe in. The NTEU should be commended for their service to our nation and I am proud to have their support.”

President Kelley further stated, “The primary contests between Sens. Obama and Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), both strong supporters of federal employees who each have earned 100 percent voting records from NTEU, generated a great deal of interest and enthusiasm among NTEU’s members.”

“Sen. Clinton is a good friend and strong advocate for federal employees. NTEU appreciates all she has done and we look forward to working closely with her in the future,” the NTEU leader said.

Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.) on the other hand, has made clear both by his voting record and in public statements that he does not support or respect the role of federal employees or their unions, Kelley said.

“What is at stake in this election is the ability of the federal government and its workforce to be able to provide the services this country expects and deserves,” she said. “NTEU stands 100 percent behind Sen. Obama and thousands of our members are ready, eager and willing to work on behalf of his election in towns, cities and states nationwide.”

NTEU made its endorsement after consultation with its chapter leaders from around the country.
