NTEU Applauds OPM Program to Coordinate And Expand Telework Throughout Government

Press Release April 29, 2009

Washington, D.C.—The head of the nation’s largest independent union of federal employees applauded today’s announcement of a new administration program seeking to expand employee opportunities across government to telework. The program is in line with bipartisan legislation introduced in the House last month.

“Combined with the House legislation, the Obama administration effort would put in place across the federal government a uniform and consistent telework policy that would have positive impacts not only on the workforce, but on their agencies as well,” said President Colleen M. Kelley of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU).

Kelley has long been an advocate for expanded telework in the federal sector, and NTEU seeks to negotiate contracts containing such programs. Its telework program with the Patent and Trademark Office often is held out as a model for other agencies.

“Apart from the well-documented benefits of telework, the present swine flu outbreak offers another vivid example of the importance of programs of this kind for continuity of government operations and protection of employees’ health and safety,” the NTEU leader said.

The administration program was presented today by Director John Berry of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). He was joined by Reps. John Sarbanes (D-Md.), Gerald Connolly (D-Va.) and James Moran (D-Va.), who along with Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) co-sponsored H.R. 1722, the Telework Improvements Act of 2009, in March. Among other steps, their measure would ensure that eligible federal employees could telework at least 20 of the hours they work every two-week period.

Director Berry called telework “good for the environment (and) good for the continuity of government operations.” He added: “It just makes sense,” and is a reflection of “the commitment of President Obama to provide a work-life program that is improving the quality of life for federal employees.”

A variety of studies have shown that telework improves both employee morale and productivity, and helps mitigate traffic congestion.

Much of the OPM program builds on and would implement elements of H.R. 1722. Under it, OPM will convene an advisory group of telework program managers from key agencies to help formulate standards for agency policies and programs.

It further calls for all agencies to submit their telework policies annually for OPM review; recommends that agencies designate a telework managing officer; strongly encourages agencies to establish a transparent appeal process for employees whose requests for telework and other flexible work arrangements are denied; and will establish broadly-accessible telework training for employees and managers.

As the largest independent federal union, NTEU represents some 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
