NTEU Congratulates Law Enforcement, CBP Officers for Detention of Terror Suspect

Press Release May 6, 2010

Washington, D.C.—National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) President Colleen M. Kelley today congratulated all the federal law enforcement officers involved in the detention and subsequent arrest of the suspected terrorist behind the attempted Times Square bombing. She thanked them for their professionalism and quick action.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officers at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York apprehended the suspect, Faisal Shahzad, as he was trying to leave the country on Monday night. Several NTEU members were among the CBP Officers involved in the detention.

“The quick thinking and action of the CBP Officers prevented a terror suspect from fleeing the United States,” said President Kelley. “We are grateful to these New York Officers and all CBP Officers across the country for their work every day.”

President Obama extended his personal thanks and congratulations to the CBP Officers for their actions and coordination with other law enforcement agencies involved in the investigation. The CBP Officers quickly turned the suspect over to the FBI after his apprehension.

“These actions are representative of the dangerous work CBP Officers do every day on the front lines to protect our nation,” said President Kelley. “Across our seaports, airports, and land borders, CBP Officers are identifying and apprehending wanted criminals, drug smugglers and terror suspects that endanger U.S. citizens.

“During Public Service Recognition Week, it is appropriate to recognize all of the contributions of government employees—often working in dangerous and stressful situations—to protect and improve the lives of Americans,” President Kelley added. “We need to understand the efforts and sacrifices our public servants make every day for our nation.”

As the largest independent federal union, NTEU represents 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments, including 24,000 front-line CBP employees.
