NTEU Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Press Release January 20, 2016

Washington, D.C.—The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), the country’s largest independent union of federal employees, today endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton for president.

“Throughout her career, Secretary Clinton has been a strong supporter of federal employees. I believe as president she will continue that support on issues from fair pay to protecting retirement benefits and workplace rights,” said NTEU National

President Tony Reardon. “Secretary Clinton recognizes the importance of the work done by federal employees and the need to recruit and retain a skilled federal workforce.”

Clinton, the former secretary of state, Democratic senator from New York and first lady, scored 96 percent on NTEU’s scorecard when she served in the Senate.

“The 2016 election will have a huge impact on NTEU members and all federal employees. This election will determine whether our country retains a talented and dedicated workforce with the necessary tools and resources to provide critical services to the American people,” Reardon said. “Secretary Clinton is a fighter who will ensure that federal employees and all working families get a fair shake and are treated with dignity and respect. I am proud to endorse her candidacy.”

NTEU, the nation’s largest independent federal-employee union, represents 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.

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