NTEU Launches Labor Day Week Online Campaign to Salute Hard-Working Federal Employees

Press Release August 31, 2011

Washington, D.C. — In advance of our national holiday paying tribute to hard-working men and women, the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) has launched an online advertising campaign highlighting the important work that dedicated federal employees do to protect and preserve the American way of life.

“While we should celebrate Labor Day with picnics and parades, we must not forget the men and women in federal government who serve us each and every day, including national holidays,” NTEU National President Colleen M. Kelley said. “Far too often, we take this dedicated and effective service for granted, but on this holiday we should take a moment to salute the federal workforce for their countless contributions to our way of life.”

Reaching hundreds of thousands of people with advertising through web searches, blogs, and on Facebook, NTEU is reminding Americans of the important services that federal employees provide through its public service campaign. Web advertisements will encourage visits to www.TheyWorkForUS.org and www.facebook.com/TheyWorkForUS for further information about NTEU and the efforts of federal employees on behalf of the nation.

“From guarding our borders to safeguarding the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink, to administering the school lunch program so children do not go hungry, federal employees perform so many critical tasks for our nation each and every day,” Kelley said. “While federal employees touch our lives in innumerable ways, many Americans know little about the important contributions these dedicated civil servants make to keep our nation safe, healthy and moving forward.”

At the website, visitors will be able to see two public service advertisements (PSAs). The first PSA is titled “The Oath” and shows a range of NTEU members each telling briefly the crux of the work he or she does while the voiceover provides, one sentence at a time, the oath of office sworn to by every federal employee. The second is titled “Who Can We Turn To” and portrays the work of federal employees told through the eyes of Americans. The PSAs have also been made available to more than 200 television stations and 600 radio stations across the country.

NTEU is the largest independent federal union, representing 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
