NTEU Launches Public Service Campaign To Promote Contributions of Federal Employees

Press Release July 23, 2008

Washington, D.C.—To dispel negative stereotypes and increase awareness of the important contributions federal employees make to the country, the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) has launched its first-ever public service campaign including television and radio public service announcements, media relations and grassroots efforts.

The campaign, entitled “Federal Employees…They Work For U.S.,” features actual federal workers talking about the work that they do to defend our homeland, protect our borders, ensure the safety of our natural resources, health, food supply, financial systems and more.

“The federal workforce is facing a retirement tsunami of epic proportions,” said NTEU President Colleen M. Kelley. “A strong, vital federal workforce that attracts the best and the brightest professionals is essential to advance the ideals of our country. This public service campaign will combat the negativism about federal workers that is often prevalent during political campaign seasons.”

About 60 percent of the people in the federal workforce will be eligible to retire in the next 10 years, according to Office of Personnel Management (OPM) reports. “We need to ensure that federal service continues to attract and retain topnotch professionals from every major field, and that starts by giving federal employees the tools and resources they need to do their jobs and, equally important, our respect and support,” said Kelley.

The NTEU leader said many Americans are not aware of the depth and breadth of the federal workforce and the vital contributions federal employees make to nearly every aspect of our lives. “They print our nation’s money; preserve our national parks and historic sites; promote a healthier America and a nation in which no one goes hungry; they work every day to find ways for us to become energy independent; they help ensure a viable agricultural industry; they strive to make certain that our air and water are clean; they make sure our airwaves are used in the public interest; they help protect our democracy by letting us know who contributes to candidates for federal office; and they collect the taxes that make all of this possible,” Kelley said.

While the military aggressively recruits on television and radio and OPM has started to do some limited recruiting via broadcast advertising, the government has failed to address head-on the negative perceptions that too often surround public service.

“For some, it is politically expedient to portray federal workers as bureaucrats, but in reality they are highly skilled professionals: doctors, lawyers, CPAs, computer programmers, researchers, customer service representatives, lab technicians and law enforcement officers,” said Kelley.

In addition to public service announcements, NTEU is initiating a grassroots campaign that will involve its nearly 250 local chapters around the country. Each NTEU chapter will receive a public service campaign kit with suggestions on how they can implement the campaign in their local communities with brochures, speeches, sample letters to the editor, print ads and suggested activities.

“We plan to use traditional and nontraditional media to highlight the important contributions federal employees make to our country,” said President Kelley.

NTEU has launched a special campaign web site, www.TheyWorkforUS.org, where public service directors and members of the public can go to learn more about the campaign.

Public service announcements are unpaid advertisements that educate and raise awareness about an issue among TV viewers and radio listeners. The television and radio public service announcements were produced by Public Media Productions of Tampa, Fla., and distributed in conjunction with DWJ Television of Ridgewood, N.J.

The PSA was made available to over 600 television stations and 500 radio stations. In addition, NTEU is working with its local chapters around the country to have the spot aired in local markets.

“Americans should be proud of the caliber of the people in this country who are called to public service. They make up the most diverse, best educated workforce in America, and they do it all for us, every day,” said Kelley.
