NTEU Public Service Campaign Will Highlight Employee Connection with Public’s Quality of Life

Press Release July 21, 2011

Washington, D.C. —Amidst unwarranted and harmful attacks on federal workers, the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) is launching a public service campaign to underscore the direct connection between the work of federal employees and the quality of life in the country.

“From guarding our borders to safeguarding the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink, to administering the school lunch program so children do not go hungry, federal employees perform so many critical tasks for our nation each and every day,” said NTEU President Colleen M. Kelley. “And all too often, we take this dedicated and effective service for granted.”

The campaign officially launches today and features a set of radio and television public service announcements (PSAs), media events, grassroots efforts by local chapters and public outreach through Internet and social media activities.

The first PSA is titled “The Oath” and shows a range of NTEU members each telling briefly the crux of the work he or she does while the voiceover provides, one sentence at a time, the oath of office sworn to by every federal employee. The second is titled “Who Can We Turn To” and portrays the work of federal employees told through the eyes of Americans.

Viewers and listeners are encouraged to visit www.TheyWorkForUS.org and www.facebook.com/TheyWorkForUS for further information about NTEU and the efforts of federal employees on behalf of the nation.

“The truth is,” President Kelley said, “that while federal employees touch our lives in innumerable ways, many Americans know little about the important contributions these dedicated civil servants make to keep our nation safe, healthy and moving forward.”

On the contrary, she said, political discourse often casts federal employees in an unfavorable light having nothing to do with the services they provide, giving rise to unfair and unwise attacks on federal employees and funding for vital federal programs. For example, the idea of cutting the federal workforce, which some members of Congress and political commentators are advocating, would result in serious cuts in service to the public, Kelley said.

“Cutting funds or the numbers of federal workers will have serious consequences for the American people including fewer food safety inspections, threats to the security of our retirement savings and investments, less secure borders making us more vulnerable to guns, drugs and terrorists, longer lines at ports of entry and diminished services for veterans, the elderly and the disabled,” the NTEU leader said.

Further, “Pithy sound bites on the six o’clock news about making drastic cuts sound good but the fact is government needs to attract and retain the best and brightest employees to public service in order to help secure our economic recovery and ensure our safety and security,” she added.

The public service announcements were made available to more than 200 television stations and 600 radio stations across the country.

NTEU is providing its chapters around the country with materials to help implement the campaign at the local level, including sample letters to the editor, editorial and opinion articles, advertisements, fliers, brochures and more. The campaign will include a social media element, as well as community outreach.

NTEU’s previous award-winning public service campaign, in 2008, featured active federal employees talking on video about the work they do.

PSAs are unpaid advertisements designed to educate the public and raise awareness about an issue. Stations air them as part of their commitment to service the public. NTEU’s current ones will be made available in lengths from 20 to 60 seconds.

NTEU is the largest independent federal union, representing 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
