NTEU Seeks to Move Beyond Political Rhetoric, Continues Effort to Demonstrate Value of the Federal Workforce

Press Release November 3, 2010

Washington, D.C. — With the conclusion of the congressional elections, the leader of the nation’s largest independent union of federal employees said it is time to put aside the politically-motivated criticism of federal employees and get down to the business of running the country.

“Federal employees are critical to the effective functioning of our nation and as members of Congress return to Washington to fulfill their role of governing, NTEU will continue our long-standing efforts to educate all the representatives about the role these workers have in securing our borders, protecting our air travel, monitoring our food and drugs for safety, working toward clean air and water, and collecting the revenue that keeps the government running,” said National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) President Colleen M. Kelley.

With the majority party changing in the U.S. House of Representatives, NTEU remains committed to work, as it always has, in a bipartisan manner to ensure that federal employees have their voices heard on Capitol Hill.

“NTEU has consistently worked to ensure that Congress and those in power recognize the importance of federal employees and the work they do,” Kelley said.

In the wake of the election, NTEU will remain focused on key issues facing the federal workforce, including providing sufficient resources to allow government employees to fulfill their missions and serve the American people, the rising cost of health care, and federal compensation.

Kelley expressed concerns over the increasingly negative political rhetoric targeting the federal workforce, and legislation that would undermine its ability to serve the American people.

“I am alarmed by the current political climate for federal employees, who have been made scapegoats during a challenging economic period,” Kelley said. “NTEU will continue to stand up and oppose any legislation that undermines the federal workforce or undercuts critical services.”

Kelley said NTEU will continue to educate lawmakers on the facts about the federal workforce and on negative impacts of proposals to cut federal pay, furlough federal employees for two weeks, and freeze hiring.

“These proposals are too often based on misinformation about federal employees, and fail to consider the negative impacts on critical government services,” Kelley said. “These measures, theoretically designed to reduce government spending, offer the very real possibility of winding up costing taxpayers more money due to lack of services, lost revenue, and costly and inefficient contracting alternatives.”

NTEU represents more than 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
