NTEU Supports H.R. 1507; Stresses Need for Whistleblower Rights for TSA Workforce

Press Release May 14, 2009

Washington, D.C.—The leader of the nation’s largest independent union of federal employees today reiterated strong support for H.R. 1507, describing it as the first major reform of federal whistleblower laws in 18 years and bipartisan legislation much-needed by the federal workforce.

The measure, which was the subject of a hearing this morning by the House Oversight and Government Reform Commission, is of particular importance and need by employees of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), said President Colleen M. Kelley of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU).

As part of a massive and ongoing organizing effort, NTEU represents thousands of TSA employees at airports around the country.

In a reflection of the importance of whistleblower rights for TSA employees, President Kelley told the committee in submitted testimony that, as much as NTEU believes in expanded whistleblower rights for federal employees, it would not be able to support H.R. 1507 without the existing provision regarding TSA employees.

“NTEU includes in our membership thousands of TSA workers who lack many of the basic rights and protections other federal employees enjoy,” she said. “This is a critical matter not only for them, but for the traveling public whose daily safety and security rests in their hands.”

TSA employees currently have limited whistleblower rights, she said, yet are charged with the frontline security of the U.S. aviation industry. “It is clear that employees with such important responsibilities need adequate protections when reporting serious issues that may impair the ability of the agency to live up to its mission,” she said.

The NTEU leader told the committee she believes enhanced whistleblower rights, which help protect federal workers who report instances of waste, fraud or abuse, are more vital today than ever “with the Obama administration’s focus on restoring the public’s faith in government and transparency of government operations,” and cited them as essential to the success of the federal stimulus package.

H.R. 1507 would cure a variety of weaknesses in existing law by creating procedures for federal whistleblowers to have their cases heard in federal court, and allowing all circuits of the appellate courts to review whistleblower case; close existing loopholes which have prevented national security whistleblowers from obtaining protections; and legislatively overturn a Supreme Court case which prevents government whistleblowers from obtaining First Amendment protection when they report concerns ‘internally’ through the chain of command. The measure was introduced by Reps. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Todd Platts (R-Pa.)

As the largest independent federal union, NTEU represents 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
