NTEU Supports Sen. Cardin’s Shutdown Pay Bill

Press Release September 16, 2015

Washington, D.C.—The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) today endorsed legislation that would make sure federal employees get paid if the government shuts down.

The Federal Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2015 (S. 2035), introduced by Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and a group of other senators, would also allow those who are required to work during a shutdown—so-called excepted employees—to take leave while the government remains closed. Also under the bill, furloughed and excepted employees will be paid as soon as possible after the government reopens, regardless of their scheduled pay dates—a proposal pushed by NTEU.

“Sen. Cardin’s proposal would treat federal employees fairly in the event of a government shutdown. Employees who are furloughed or forced to work without pay during a shutdown shouldn’t be punished because they didn’t create the problem,” said NTEU National President Tony Reardon. “That said, NTEU is working hard to avert a government shutdown on Oct. 1 and ensure that agencies get the funding they need to fulfill their critical missions.”

To avoid a shutdown, Congress must pass a funding bill before the new fiscal year begins on Oct. 1. Polls show a majority of Americans oppose shutting down the government. The last time Congress shut down the government was in October 2013 for 16 days.

“As the experience from 2013 showed us, shutting down the government benefits no one and achieves nothing,” Reardon said. “All it will do is create financial anxiety and hardship for federal employees, infuriate the American public and hurt the economy. Our elected officials need to act responsibly and allow the nation’s work to continue.”

NTEU, the nation’s largest independent federal-employee union, represents 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
