NTEU Welcomes Senate Consideration of Erroll G. Southers as TSA Administrator

Press Release October 15, 2009

Washington, D.C.—The head of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) welcomed the start of confirmation hearings for Erroll G. Southers to be the next administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) as a great opportunity to learn more about his views concerning importance issues facing the TSA workforce. Southers’ nomination was taken up today at a hearing held by the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, which is chaired by Sen. John D. Rockefeller (D-W.Va.).

NTEU President Colleen M. Kelley is looking for steady progress on Southers’ nomination and she expects that, once confirmed, Southers will move to immediately grant TSA employees full collective bargaining rights. Southers was nominated for the post last month by President Obama. Under the law establishing TSA, the agency head has the authority to grant TSA employees the right to bargain collectively; to date, none have chosen to do so.

“I hope Mr. Southers’ confirmation will be the start of a productive relationship with NTEU,” President Kelley said. “The sooner he is confirmed, the sooner we can start addressing the wide range of workplace issues that negatively impact TSA employees on a daily basis.”

Since its inception in 2001, TSA employees have been denied basic civil service protections. Many federal employees involved in securing the nation’s ports of entry already have collective bargaining rights, including NTEU-represented employees at U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

NTEU is in the midst of an aggressive organizing campaign within TSA, already representing thousands of TSA employees at airports nationwide. Several of these NTEU TSA leaders were in attendance at today’s hearing. President Kelley said it was vital for these employees to hear the first-hand the views of the president’s nominee on a number of issues but particularly the lack of collective bargaining rights.

“There is no reason that TSA employees should be denied the right to collectively bargain,” President Kelley said, adding that providing these rights to TSA employees will lead to improved workplace morale and a more stable and independent professional workforce. “Collective bargaining allows employees to focus on the safety of the nation’s airports and traveling public and help TSA become a world-class airport security agency,” she said.

NTEU is fighting both in Congress and administratively for the right of TSA employees to bargain collectively; to be moved from an unfair pay system to the General Schedule; for their right to full whistleblower protections; and to represent them effectively in a wide range of day-to-day workplace issues.

NTEU is the largest independent federal union, representing 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
