NTEU Wins Election to Represent 1,300 National Park Service Employees

Press Release February 20, 2014

Washington, D.C.—The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) today was elected the exclusive representative of the more than 1,300 employees of the National Park Service-National Capital Region (NPS-NCR), winning 91 percent of votes cast.

“We look forward to developing an effective relationship with NPS management on behalf of NCR employees,” said President Colleen M. Kelley. “An agency with a workforce that is treated with dignity and respect, along with adequate resources and personnel, will be an agency that is well-equipped to meet its mission.”

The employees work in the various parks and historic sites in the Washington, D.C. and greater metropolitan area, including Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. Positions in the National Capital Region unit include park rangers, gardeners, maintenance workers and other skilled trades workers. NTEU already represents NPS headquarters employees.

The union election was conducted over a three-week period by the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), which oversees federal sector labor-management relations. The next step is for the FLRA to certify the election results, after which NPS-NRC employees will form an NTEU chapter, elect officers and begin the process of bargaining an initial contract with the agency.

“NPS-NCR employees looked to our record representing headquarters employees, as well as our Customs and Border Protection unit and they saw our familiarity with the kinds of issues that interest and concern them, including scheduling, career ladder advancement, uniforms, job reassignments and promotions,” President Kelley said, “These employees protect our national heritage and some of our most cherished national treasures. NTEU looks forward to working with them to improve their work lives.”

NTEU is the largest independent federal union, representing 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
