Rep. Van Hollen Underscores Need for Shared Sacrifice At Federal-Postal Coalition Fiscal Cliff News Conference

Press Release December 12, 2012

Washington, D.C.—Representatives of federal and postal employee, retiree and management groups today strongly urged Congress and the administration not to turn to the federal workforce for further pay and benefit contributions in their efforts to address the pending fiscal cliff. They said it flies in the face of the clear need for shared sacrifice.

In a joint telephone news conference with U.S. Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), representatives of the 31-member Federal-Postal Coalition emphasized that federal employees already have contributed $103 billion over the next 10 years to deficit reduction efforts in three separate actions.

In introducing the congressional leader, Maureen Gilman, legislative and political director of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), said, “As ranking member of the House Budget Committee, Rep. Van Hollen is a key player in fiscal cliff discussions. He has demonstrated time and again that he is a very strong supporter of the federal workforce and we are pleased that he is willing to speak out for federal workers today.”

“The hardworking men and women who make up the federal workforce have made a substantial sacrifice over the past two years to help bring down the deficit. They have proven willing to do their part but cannot bear this burden alone," said Rep. Van Hollen. "I will keep fighting to ensure federal employees are not asked to contribute more than their fair share as we work to put our fiscal house in order.”

In addition to Van Hollen and Gilman, federal workers and retirees were represented by Bruce Moyer, chair of the Federal-Postal Coalition; Jessica Klement, legislative representative of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) and chair of America Counts On Us; and Beth Moten, legislative and political director for the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE).

The speakers pointed out the current two-year federal pay freeze will result in a contribution of $60 billion over the 10-year budget horizon; the 0.5 percent pay raise under consideration for calendar year 2013—currently delayed until next April—will result in another $28 billion from federal workers; and a higher pension contribution from new federal hires after Jan. 1, 2013, will mean another $15 billion in budget savings.

Coalition Chair Moyer took issue with proposals that further target federal pensions. “Increased pension contributions for new federal and postal workers are already going into effect next month,” he said. “That should mean that retirement benefit cuts are settled and should not be part of any further fiscal cliff discussions.”

The Coalition is not the only group calling for sacrifices from others before federal workers are asked to do even more. Last month, Washington-area House members sent a bipartisan letter to the leaders of both parties in the House and the president emphasizing the $103 billion in federal worker contributions.

“Federal and postal employees and their families share our commitment to serving the American people in the most efficient, cost-effective manner, and just like other taxpayers, they, too, are struggling during these tough times,” they wrote. “Our dedicated civil servants understand the principle of shared sacrifice and justifiably expect others will actually share in it.”

The House members added: “We respectfully request that you carefully consider the implications that any proposed agreement would have on these Americans so that it reflects the substantial budget savings that the federal workforce has contributed thus far.”

The letter was signed by House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), and Rep. Van Hollen, as well as Reps. James Moran (D-Va.), Robert Wittman (R-Va.), John Sarbanes (D-Md.), Frank Wolf (R-Va.), Gerald Connolly (D-Va.), Donna Edwards (D-Md.) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.).

Member organizations of the Federal-Postal Coalition include:

American Federation of Government Employees

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees

American Foreign Service Association

American Postal Workers Union

FAA Managers Association

Federal Managers Association

Federally Employed Women

International Association of Fire Fighters

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers

Laborers’ International Union of North America

National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

National Air Traffic Controllers Association

National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys

National Association of Federal Veterinarians

National Association of Government Employees

National Association of Letter Carriers

National Association of Postal Supervisors

National Association of Postmasters of the United States

National Council of Social Security Management Associations

National Federation of Federal Employees

National League of Postmasters

National Postal Mail Handlers Union

National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association

National Treasury Employees Union

National Weather Service Employees Organization

Organization of Professional Employees at the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture

Patent Office Professional Association

Professional Aviation Safety Specialists

Professional Managers Association

Senior Executives Association
