Senate Appropriations Committee Provides Critical Additional Funding to Meet FDA Needs

Press Release July 18, 2008

Washington, D.C.—In the wake of continuing and serious concerns over the safety of the nation’s food supply, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved a fiscal 2009 spending bill providing substantial additional resources for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—a move welcomed by the leader of the union representing thousands of FDA employees.

“It has been clear for quite some time,” said President Colleen M. Kelley of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), “that FDA needs additional resources and staffing to meet the public’s expectations with respect to this agency’s critical safety missions.”

At its markup of the fiscal 2009 Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA and related agencies funding bill, the Appropriations Committee boosted FDA funding by a total of $325 million over the fiscal 2008 level, to $ 2.039 billion.

NTEU has been actively pushing for additional FDA funding both for the current fiscal year and fiscal 2009. That effort resulted in additional supplemental funding of $150 million for the agency as part of a war funding bill signed into law earlier this year.

This funding will help provide a boost this year for a variety of activities, including food and safety work and money to upgrade the field laboratories. A year ago, NTEU played a key role in killing an FDA management effort to close half its labs.

“The added resources both for fiscal 2008 and the upcoming fiscal year will enable the agency to address a number of pressing concerns, including the adequacy of staffing among food safety and medical product safety inspectors,” President Kelley said. “This is a critical investment we need to make in the well-being of all Americans.”

The Senate Committee figure is higher than the White House’s initial fiscal 2009 proposal and matches its mid-year adjustment. That adjustment brought the administration’s request to $325 million over the fiscal 2008 appropriation.

“I would like to offer my thanks and appreciation to Sen. Kohl for his leadership on this critical issue,” President Kelley said. “He has been a strong supporter of additional funding for the FDA and recognizes the vital role this agency plays in the daily lives of Americans.” Sen. Herbert Kohl (D-Wis.) is the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies.
