Statement of Colleen M. Kelley On the Shooting at the Pentagon

Press Release March 5, 2010

Every day, federal law enforcement officers in a wide range of positions and at locations across the country risk their lives to protect not only government facilities, but federal workers and the public they serve. This is vital and increasingly dangerous work, and NTEU salutes the quick action and professionalism of the two officers shot while defending the Pentagon.

This incidence of violence, coming so soon after the deadly attack in Austin, underscores the need for a united and conscious effort to condemn attacks against government workers.

So long as we disrespect our public servants—and so long as public figures fail to speak out against statements that condone acts of violence, and in fact speak in ways easily construed as being supportive of them—we continue to run the risk of more and more incidents such as the one at the Pentagon and the particularly tragic event in Austin.
