Statement of Colleen M. Kelley on White House Proposal for $275 Million in Added FDA Funding

Press Release June 10, 2008

Washington, D.C.--In the wake of yet another major health scare involving the nation’s food supply, I welcome the decision by the White House to amend its fiscal 2009 budget proposal to increase funding by $275 million for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). At an early stage of discussions concerning federal agency funding for fiscal 2009, NTEU joined with a variety of public interest groups in calling for additional resources for the FDA. Adequate funding for this agency is critical if it is to carry out effectively its missions of safeguarding the food supply and ensuring the safety and efficacy of drugs and medical equipment.

The administration’s proposal, to be addressed through the appropriations process, mirrors earlier approval by the Senate—and strongly supported by NTEU—to add $275 million to the FDA as part of the pending war supplemental measure. These additional funds, particularly when combined with earlier NTEU-supported supplemental funding for the FDA of $175 million for fiscal 2008, will enable the agency to address a number of concerns, including the adequacy of staffing among food safety and medical product safety inspectors.
