Statement of President Colleen M. Kelley On Extension of Dental-Vision Enrollment Period

Press Release December 15, 2006

I welcome the decision of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for a further extension, until midnight eastern time Dec. 22, the enrollment period for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program. These programs offer important benefits to federal employees and their families—as evidenced by the large number of enrollees —and everyone who wishes to take part should be afforded the opportunity to do so. As I said in a letter to OPM Director Linda Springer yesterday, a further extension is imperative since federal workers were continuing to experience difficulties in getting to the appropriate internet web site or through to the toll-free telephone number. I reminded the director that there are only so many times a federal worker can set aside time to enroll. I’m pleased that the director acted so promptly and in such a forthright manner. That action will serve the federal workforce well.
