TSA Employees at Albuquerque Sunport Unionize Under NTEU Banner

Press Release July 13, 2009

Albuquerque, N.M.— Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees at Albuquerque International Sunport today joined forces with the largest independent union of federal workers. The establishment of a chapter at New Mexico’s largest and busiest airport by the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) brings strong and effective workplace representation to employees charged with securing the safety of our nation’s airways.

“NTEU has been responding to the concerns of TSA employees across the country who are dedicated to carrying out the security mission of their agency but who have no voice in their workplace,” said NTEU President Colleen M. Kelley. “Today that will begin to change for TSA employees in New Mexico. NTEU already represents thousands of TSA employees at airports across the country and is actively working to improve their workplaces.”

A leading factor in the low morale that has plagued TSA since its creation in 2001 is the lack of collective bargaining rights for its employees. “There is no reason that TSA employees should be denied the right to collectively bargain,” President Kelley said. “Through collective bargaining employees can have a say in their working conditions and help make TSA the most effective global airport security agency.”

NTEU has taken its concerns about the rights of the TSA workforce to Congress. Last week NTEU’s efforts were successful as the Transportation Security Workforce Enhancement Act of 2009 was approved by the House Homeland Security Committee. This bill, H.R. 1881, would provide Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) with full collective bargaining rights and move TSA employees onto the pay system that covers the majority of federal employees.

The current TSA pay system is a second factor feeding low morale and high turnover in the agency. “Employees believe that the pay system is highly subjective and dependent on the whims of management. Meanwhile their federal employee colleagues are paid on a system that recognizes merit and that has clear and transparent policies,” said Kelley.

Not only is fair pay and civil service protections for TSOs a priority issue for NTEU, it also is a key component of NTEU’s comprehensive five-point plan for the TSA workforce—a concrete set of goals that will address key concerns of employees nationwide. The plan not only calls for collective bargaining rights and an end to the current pay system, it also calls for full whistleblower protections by statute; a fair shift-scheduling system and adequate staffing; and revisions to the current TSA training and recertification system.

NTEU Chapter 325 (TSA Albuquerque) also will represent TSOs at local airports in Santa Fe and the Four Corners region. The chapter joins a growing NTEU network of 17 TSA chapters at 19 airports stretching from Maine to California.

All NTEU TSA chapters operate with local staff attorneys and labor relations experts to represent TSOs on critical workplace issues, such as promotions, disciplinary actions, shift bidding and scheduling, overtime, performance appraisals, leave issues and alternative work schedules.

Kelley added that NTEU is uniquely qualified to represent TSA employees given its long history of representing other federal employees who work in our nation’s airports and protect our security. NTEU has represented U.S. Customs Service employees for more than 30 years and is the exclusive representative of the 24,000-employee unit of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The largest independent federal union, NTEU represents some 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
