Whistleblower Act Provides Needed Protections to Federal Employees; NTEU Leader Calls for Senate Passage

Press Release September 28, 2012

Washington, D.C.— The House of Representatives’ approval today of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (S. 743) moves the country one step closer to repairing a whistleblower law that has left far too many federal workers unprotected, said the leader of the nation’s largest independent union of federal employees.

“The public relies on federal workers to alert us to waste, abuse and threats to public health and safety,” said President Colleen M. Kelley of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU). “This legislation goes far in providing them with the protections they need in order to protect us, and I am calling on the Senate to quickly pass this bill before this Congress ends.”

The House approved an amended version of S. 743, passed by the Senate in May. Because the bill was amended, it must now go back to the Senate for approval. NTEU is hopeful that the bill will be considered in the Senate during this recess in a similar pro forma session or when the Senate returns in November.

“This is a vital piece of legislation that expands protections for federal employees who disclose fraud, waste, abuse or illegal activity on behalf of taxpayers and in the best interests of our nation,” Kelley said. “Notably, it includes specific protection for the scientists who work for our nation with a commitment to valid research and should not be swayed or punished for their work.”

Specifically, the bill provides whistleblower protection rights to employees who challenge scientific censorship, and makes it an abuse of authority to punish disclosures about such censorship. Additionally, the bill reinforces that agency restrictions on disclosures are superseded by federal employees’ statutory rights to communicate with Congress.

Also, in a two-year trial, the bill allows all-circuit review of appeals to the Merit Systems Protection Board, removing the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals as the sole arbiter. The court frequently decides cases against whistleblowers.

NTEU represents about 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.
