NTEU Leader to Participate in Democratic National Convention, Advocate for Federal Employees

Press Release July 22, 2016

Washington, D.C.—The leader of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) will participate in the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia next week to advocate for federal employees.

NTEU National President Tony Reardon, of Mount Airy, Md., was elected as a delegate in the Maryland Democratic primary.

“I’m proud to be representing the state of Maryland where so many federal workers live and work and am proud to join our strong supporters in Congress at this historic event,” said Reardon.

 “Participating in this convention will allow me to give federal employees a voice in shaping policies that will affect them for years to come. I will make sure the next president and Congress understand and appreciate the enormous contributions federal employees make to our great nation every day,” Reardon said.

The union president said that he has told federal workers there is much at stake in this upcoming election as it will determine the level of support for federal workers and the missions of their agencies.

 “After years of poor treatment, it’s time for federal employees to feel supported and appreciated. Throughout the convention, I will make the case for why the federal workforce deserves to be treated with dignity and respect,” the NTEU leader said.

NTEU, which has endorsed Secretary Hillary Clinton for president, represents 150,000 employees in 31 federal agencies.
