Busting Myths about Federal Employees

Press Release November 14, 2017

Washington D.C. – The National Treasury Employees Union launched a campaign Monday debunking myths about federal employees and raising awareness about the important work they do for the American public.

NTEU National President Tony Reardon took the union’s new campaign to the airwaves with a series of television and radio interviews in cities all over the country.

“It’s frustrating when someone claims, for example, that most federal employees live in Washington D.C., and that somehow the rest of the country wouldn’t notice if their jobs disappeared,” Reardon said. “In fact, more than 80 percent of the federal workforce lives outside of the D.C. area, delivering services that the local community relies upon every day.”

Clean air. Secure borders. Safe medicine. Sound banks. Groundbreaking science. Access to national parks. Loans to farmers. Fair financial markets. These are just some of the things that are possible with a professional, merit-based civil service.

“After they drop their kids off at the neighborhood school or finish their grocery run, they get to work protecting our country’s security, economy and public health,” Reardon said. “They have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution, without regard to politics, and they care deeply about what they do.”

Federal employees are now fighting proposals to cut their paychecks and pensions, and the services they provide to the public are jeopardized by persistent threats to downsize their agencies and starve them of the resources they need to do their jobs.

“The myth-busting campaign will help set the record straight about federal employees but also restore some respect for the critical work they do securing the nation, safeguarding the economy and providing for the public health,” Reardon said.

To learn more about NTEU’s campaign and get the facts on federal employee pay and benefits, the size of the federal workforce, and the role it plays in our democracy, visit www.TheyWorkForUS.org.

NTEU represents 150,000 employees at 31 federal agencies and departments.
