Reardon To Attend State of the Union

Press Release January 30, 2018

Washington, D.C. – National Treasury Employees Union President Tony Reardon will represent federal employees from around the country when he attends the State of the Union address tonight as the guest of a Maryland congressman.

Reardon was invited to the president’s speech by Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Democrat whose congressional district is home to 88,000 federal employees and retirees.

“I am honored to be in the House gallery tonight for the State of the Union and I thank Rep. Raskin for the invitation,” Reardon said. “Like all Americans, I am interested to hear what President Trump has planned for 2018, but I will be especially attuned to his comments regarding agency budgets and the federal workforce.”

Raskin has been an ally to federal employees, most recently as an original cosponsor of legislation that required all federal workers to be paid in full after the three-day government shutdown last week. He is also on record opposing a possible pay freeze as part of the president’s 2019 budget proposal.

“Every day, federal workers serve the American people. They are scientists, engineers, doctors, park rangers, letter carriers and workers of every type,” Raskin said. “They protect us from foreign and domestic threats, disease, and dangerous work conditions. They connect the public to old age and disability benefits, care for our nation’s veterans, and help keep our air and water clean. They deserve our thanks – not pay and benefit cuts.”

NTEU represents 150,000 employees at 32 federal agencies and departments. 
