20 Years of Sustained Membership

Congratulations to these chapters with 20 years of membership sustained at 70, 80 and 90 percent that do the hard work every day of attracting and keeping their members.

Sustaining 90% Membership

38-IRS Reno
47-IRS Manhattan
54-IRS Rhode Island
57-IRS Syracuse
61-IRS Albany
74-IRS Akron
100-IRS Youngstown
123-CBP Calexico
124-IRS New Haven/Bridgeport
138-CBP Northern New York
152-CBP Port Huron
181-CBP Toronto/Pearson
200-CBP St. Croix

Sustaining 80% Membership

5-IRS Idaho
6-IRS Arkansas/Louisiana
10-IRS Chicago
13-IRS Mississippi
22-IRS Philadelphia
23-IRS Massachusetts
34-IRS Pittsburgh
41-IRS New Mexico
60-IRS New Jersey
69-IRS Alaska
117-IRS Long Beach
142-CBP Vermont
145-CBP Laredo
149-CBP Hidalgo
151-CBP Hawaii
160-CBP Brownsville
167-CBP Minnesota Border
173-CBP Detroit
177-CBP Atlanta
178-CBP Eagle Pass/Del Rio
187-CBP Sault Ste. Marie
193-IRS Puerto Rico
253-IRS Appeals, New England
271-IRS Brooklyn/Queens

Sustaining 70% Membership 

1-IRS Wisconsin
8-IRS North Dakota/South Dakota
11-IRS Maine/New Hampshire/Vermont
12-IRS Alabama
14-IRS St.Louis
18-IRS Hartford
24-IRS Michigan
27-IRS Columbus
30-IRS Washington
32-IRS Colorado
35-IRS Hawaii
37-IRS Cleveland
40-IRS Oregon
42-IRS Montana
45-IRS Oklahoma
46-IRS Dallas
49-IRS Indiana
51-IRS Kansas
52-IRS South Texas
53-IRS Long Island
55-IRS South Carolina
79-IRS Rochester
84-IRS Central Florida
87-IRS West Central Florida
90-IRS Mid-Atlantic Appeals
92-IRS San Diego
105-CBP San Diego
110-CBP Philadelphia
133-CBP Massachusetts
136-CBP Virginia
137-CBP Miami
141-CBP Maine
143-CBP El Paso
154-CBP Buffalo
157-CBP Pembina
159-CBP Dulles
161-CBP Newark
164-CBP Blaine
166-CBP South Carolina
170-CBP Minneapolis/St. Paul
171-CBP North Florida
172-CBP Chicago
174-CBP Tampa
188-CBP Puerto Rico
189-CBP Virgin Islands
222-IRS Houston
234-IRS San Bernardino
239-IRS Sacramento
249-IRS Sarasota/Fort Myers