While NTEU is busy fighting legislation harmful to federal employees, it's also important that there are members of Congress who appreciate you and the work you do.
NTEU welcomed two of those lawmakers at our Legislative Conference today. Along with National President Tony Reardon, NTEU members heard from Rep. Joe Crowley, (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Mike Quigley, (D-Ill.). Crowley is chair of the House Democratic Caucus and a member of the House Ways and Means Committee. Quigley is the Democratic Ranking Member on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government.
Read what they had to say about federal workers in their own words:
Rep. Crowley
"You don't need to convince me of the good work federal employees do every day. You don't get thanked enough. Every aspect of America's life, you are a part of. You have the trust of the American people, the implicit trust, sometimes the quiet trust. Without you, we are an unsafe America."
"Actions speak louder than words. I'm against the hiring freeze. While a federal hiring freeze makes a good sound byte, it's terrible policy. It will harm every American."
Rep. Joe Crowley
Rep. Quigley
"It's easy to beat up federal employees; I sat where you sat. America needs a civics lesson. I'm glad to be a messenger. Keep doing what you do extraordinarily well, and to meet these challenges we need everyone in this room."
"What you do matters. I need to make government as efficient as possible and I need to make what you do as meaningful as possible and have you treated appropriately and paid appropriately and treated with the respect your deserve."
Rep. Mike Quigley