Frequently-Asked Questions About TEPAC

Learn more about TEPAC and how you can contribute.
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What is TEPAC?

TEPAC is the political arm of NTEU and is extremely important to our legislative program. TEPAC allows NTEU to support members of Congress who work to protect and defend the rights of federal employee and retirees. TEPAC also helps to defeat members of Congress who want to cut federal employee pay and benefits, and slash agency funding.

How is TEPAC funded?

NTEU cannot use dues money to fund TEPAC; it is funded solely from the voluntary contributions of NTEU members like you.

I don’t believe in PACs. Why should I donate?

Those who are working against federal employees are using their PACs to donate money to the campaigns of candidates who advance these harmful bills. Whatever your stance on PACs, there is simply too much at stake for NTEU to sit back and not use the same tools our opposition is using.

How do you determine who gets a TEPAC contribution?

NTEU carefully considers how each TEPAC dollar is spent. Support of federal employee issues is NTEU’s sole criterion for deciding which candidates of both parties to support.

If the candidate is an incumbent, the decision is based on:

  • Candidate’s voting record on NTEU issues

  • Relevant leadership or committee assignment

  • Relationship between candidate and local NTEU chapters

  • NTEU member recommendations

If the candidate is a challenger with no prior congressional experience, the decision is based on:

  • Personal interview with the candidate 

  • Responses to questionnaire on federal employee and retiree issues

  • What attempts the candidate has made to establish a relationship with local NTEU chapters

  • If applicable, candidate’s record from state or local office 

  • NTEU member recommendations

How can I contribute?

There are four ways to support TEPAC:

1. Donate right now by credit card or complete and send to TEPAC a credit card contribution form.

2. Sign up to contribute through payroll deduction. Complete the 1199a form and mail it to TEPAC.

 3. Mail in your donation to TEPAC by check:

800 K Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20001

4. Already a TEPAC contributor? Consider bumping up by increasing your payroll deduction form.

Donate to TEPAC